
Denver Networkers - can you make it?

Good morning – and WOW!!! I am in awe of the incredible response to the upcoming networking events. With so many people registered to attend each of them, I am confident that the connections that are made will be abundant and profitable for all involved!

I want to remind you to fully complete your registration via our event links. While I always acknowledge and appreciate the RSVP’s on Meet-Up and Facebook, I can’t really give the venue an accurate head count unless you have completed your registration. The benefit of registering in advance online is this: register early enough and you have the chance to get in F|RE|E – every event offers a LIMITED number of complimentary passes – and once those are gone the online pr|ce is deeply discounted over the DOOR fee of $15 or more.

Of course, when you’re a paid member of The Colorado Connector / 303Network family, your admission to the networking events is ALWAYS on the house – and you get lots of other great benefits too!

DON’T WAIT to register – most of the events have specific number of people the venue can reasonably hold – once we hit that number we’re done, and I would hate to see you miss out!

Here are the registration links for next week’s events. GO NOW and register – I can’t wait to see you!

10/03/2012 - 5:30pm: Business After-Hours in DTC at LAS BRISAS, includes appetizers! - More than 50 guests are confirmed! This event will be another sold out event in no time.

10/04/2012 – 5:30pm: Networking In The City, Downtown Denver at Jackson’s, ONLY 25 F|RE|E PASSES ARE LEFT!!!! We’ll be upstairs in the party room which holds 400+ people – so make sure your friends register too! It’s our anniversary – but it also happens to be my birthday – so it would make me really happy to see you there! .

OH – and in case you wanted to take advantage of the membership deal before the pr|ce goes up, you can get details at: .

HURRY! I really want to make sure you get in!


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